Title: Intercessory Prayer
This painting is a reminder to Christians to pray and intercede for people in difficult and broken places.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Date: 2006
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Title: Intercessory Prayer
This painting is a reminder to Christians to pray and intercede for people in difficult and broken places.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Date: 2006
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Title: Intercessory Prayer
This painting is a reminder to Christians to pray and intercede for people in difficult and broken places. The dry brown creek bed represents places of sorrow, poverty, injustice, brokenness and barrenness. The red represents Christ’s blood sacrifice spilt willingly for the redemption of humanity. The large central “U” print with dots represents Jesus Christ, while the white dotted lines represent His footprints when he left heaven’s glory to come to earth as the rescue initiating Savior. The ring of “U” prints symbolizes the Christian church, and the black wavy lines represent the prayers of Christians as they intercede for those in broken places.
You will notice that the central circle of “U” prints are facing outwards. Usually in Indigenous art campfire scenes have the “U” prints turned in toward the center of the campfire. However, in this scene the artist has intentionally painted them facing outward to show that the message and mission of the church is to be directed outwards focusing on the needs of others.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Date: 2006